How i can login in bonita portal using an automatically way using PHP or javascript anbd API REST?


Hi i have a login script using PHP , that allow me to login in my internal system, and what i want to do is also that allow me to login in bonita portal.


1 answer


The current version of Bonita doesnt support the notion of anon login.

But you can force the login using the URL, for example ...

The only problem there is that you expose the password in the url which may (depending on your security requirements) not be what you want to do.

My own solution is a webapp called "bonita0" which calls the bonita login service itself and then proxies the following traffic using the login tokens returned. This means that all the bonita URLs for which an "anon" access is needed have "/bonita0/.." rather than "/bonita/.." at the start. I have defined an "anon" profile (that's a manual edit to the journal DB in the community edition) and give it very restricted rights in the security configuration, and then given "bonita0" a list of URLs it will agree to proxy.

I only currently use this to allow a potential new user to submit a request for an account.

