How we define the arrival rate in bonita simulation??


most of BPMN simulation tools request to input number of instances and the arrival rate?? how can this be dine in Bonita simulation I AM a student in University , and I am studying Little's queue and need to compare results with the results from others simulators I have some problems in using Bonita in defining the arrival of instances.....and in setting the probability for the exclusive gateway I watch the video and follow the steps... but failed in getting results to compare with can you help me???


Submitted by bonita.bpmn on Tue, 05/05/2015 - 09:56

I've been trying to get simulation working properly for some time. Please let me know if you manage to work it out!! When I set up a profile, the software just seems to dump everything in the queue no matter how my profile injects it.

1 answer
