Bonita BPM 7.4.0 beta is out!

antoine.mottier's picture
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We are excited to announce the Bonita BPM 7.4 beta release!

You can now download, test and explore the latest version of our product.

Bonita BPM 7.4 includes:

  • a set of user-based product enhancements in the UI Designer, BDM, task management,
  • a new ready-to-use REST connector,
  • the support of WildFly 10 and more.

Checkout the release note and beta documentation for more details.

Here are the files available:

=> Bonita BPM Studio:

=> Bonita BPM platform:

You can report issues with the usual community issues tracker. Just remember to select "7.4.0 beta" in the "Affects Version/s" field.

We value your feedback, and we appreciate your time to help us ensure we release the best possible product.
