Adding leave days to an employee business object


Hello everybody,

I am currently testing the business data feature and tried the leave request tutorial which worked. I have already defined a process without business data where in a first step a user can create a leave request. In the next step the available leave days of the user are extracted from a mysql database and are shown in a formular to a manager who can approve (if the employee has enough leave days left) or denie the leave request.

I figured out that business data would be a good way to model this scenario. I am thinking to create two business objects, an employee object and a leave request object. My question now is: How to I store the available leave days of an employee using business data (and the standard H2 database without using an external database)? I somehow have to pre-fill the business data databank, so every employee has some leave days available.

I am using Bonita 6.4.0 Performance With available leave days i mean the days which an employee has available over the course of a year to go on vacation.

I hope my question is understandable, i'm a little confused.

Kind regards, Pascal

EDIT: When i manage my employees by business data, i somehow have to "pre-fill" or create new business objects for every employee (also containing the leave days left), or am I wrong? In the leave request tutorial there is no data which has to be stored before because there is no business data for an employee-object.

1 answer


@petruch I have the same problem if you find the solution please share
