Bonita 5.x process that has 6.x version


Hello I'm Ami

Does anybody has open source runable Bonita 5.x process which then upgraded for 6.x version?

I need to compare 2 processes after it's upgraded to know if Bonita 6.x does make a process have a better quality.

Thanks before :)


Submitted by ttoine on Tue, 04/22/2014 - 12:13

what do you mean with "quality" ?

Submitted by 13509055 on Tue, 04/22/2014 - 12:33

like reusability, security, reliability, etc

1 answer


Hi Ami

To learn more about Bonita v6 features, I suggest you watch these videos:

The 1st one is shorter than the 2nd one, but also more theorical (the 2nd one builds a real process and executes it). They both explain the new features brought by Bonita BPM v6. You should then be able to make your own opinion about it!


Submitted by 13509055 on Wed, 04/23/2014 - 14:57

I really wish I can do that, but quality metric that I should use require me to measure the quality by using performance monitoring application and calculating the source code design pattern... :'(

I'm so sorry, but thanks :)
