BonitaBPM Community 7.3.1 Tomcat bundle on Windows 7 32 bit


I have tried simple process variable example given at link using BonitaBPMCommunity-7.3.1-Tomcat-7.0.67. Its working well in bonita studio and with default h2 database configuration with tomcat bundle. But when i configure tomcat bundle with PostgreSQL database its not working well with Bonita ui forms but working well with process containing 6.x forms. I have followed database configuration instructions given at official link . There is no error in log file at the time of PostgresSQL configuration with bundle. This behavior is because of reason that i am running tomcat bundle "BonitaBPMCommunity-7.3.1-Tomcat-7.0.67" on Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit? I am new to Bonita kindly forgive if i have asked something stupid.

Error (when i run process in Mozilla Firefox developer mode):
myProcessVariable is a Process Variable defined in process.

http://localhost:8888/bonita/portal/resource/taskInstance/ProcessVariabl... [HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 0ms]
no element found
In Log file i got error when i submit Instantiation form.
Error evaluating < formOutput > data: $data.processVariableValue is undefinedvendor.min.js:105:441

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