Docker Image for Bonita 7.0.2



We would like to use docker to install into our lab environment and for future work. I found the following url for a docker image

Do you have additional documentation? Is the above the url the most recent?

Thank you

3 answers

This one is the BEST answer!


Well spotted!

The corresponding doc is into the related PR (#263) on docker-library/docs.

But this is still in review by Docker to try to integrate their library.

In the mean time, you can already find the 7.0.2 and, even better, the last 7.0.3 release on the registry.

docker run --name bonita -d -p 8080:8080 bonitasoft/bonita

The documentation is available here

A blog post regarding that should be published next week.

Kind regards,



Submitted by jeremy.jacquier-roux on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 15:45


I was able to deploy the basic install, but having a couple issues with postgres install.

Running it from Windows machine.

docker run --name mydbpostgres -v //e/Docker/Volumes/custom_postgres/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres:9.3

docker run --name bonita_postgres --link mydbpostgres:postgres -d -p 8080:8080 bonitasoft/bonita

Getting Error: relation "platform" does not exist at character 250.

Do I need to create bonita user with postgres instance? I also don't see any ports on the docker script. Do I need these or with the link does it not need them? How would I access database?

Thank you


Submitted by jeremy.jacquier-roux on Wed, 09/09/2015 - 19:03

I've just tested using on Windows 7 and it works fine on my side.

I presume that you see "ERROR: relation "platform" does not exist at character 250" in the output of docker logs mydbpostgres. In fact you have a similar line inside bonita logs after the first launch. Bonita during its initialization will check if this table already exists. If not it populates the database. Don't worry regarding the port, the --link is here to automatically retrieve this information. To access to the database you can retrieve its IP using :

docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' mydbpostgres

To be sure there is an issue or not, could you please launch docker logs bonita_postgres ? If it ends by "Server startip in xyz ms" it sounds good and you should be able to login on your install. The only difference with my examples is that you can't use localhost as you are running windows, you have to use the ip of your VM installed by docker toolbox. On my side it gives something like


Great Thank you. Trying now.


Submitted by jeremy.jacquier-roux on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 16:33

Note that Bonita BPM images are now available directly through the Docker Official library
