
Hi! I need again your help! I have designed what I show in the image below:

and as you can see in the parallel gateway, it throws an error that says: "ALL INCOMING TRANSITIONS MUST COME FROM THE SAME GATEWAY (EXPLICIT OR IMPLICIT)" when I connect Sistemas with Entrenamiento 2. I need to know how to connect sistemas with Entrenamiento 2 but also I need to keep the gateway. Thank you in advance!!!


Submitted by sylvain.bailly on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 00:20

Hi Julia,

Can you show us the full process because we don't see the origin of the second input flow of the parallel Gateway. I think that it is just a problem of representation.

Submitted by julia.sbarra on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 13:41

Sylvain, thank you for your comment! I could not copy the whole process because it is too long, and when I made the print of the screen the image was too small. But I tried printing both inputs of the parallel gateway and as you can see in the image below, when I connect Sistemas with Entrenamiento 2 Bonita throws the error and I don't understand why.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by florian.baillagou on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 13:57


On your SISTEMAS task, you need to specify a "default" outflow and add a condition the other outflow. If you want to execute them in a parallel way, you need to add a gateway as SISTEMAS for inflow and the others tasks as outflow.

Hope it helps.

Submitted by sylvain.bailly on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 14:17

Hi Florian,

I do not really understand your comment because the representation of Julia equals this one if I follow the BPMN norm:

To solve the problem she can merge before split if it is not a problem for the process or (perhaps) we can do it like it is currently but I need to search how to do.

PS Julia: You can do "Diagram > export as" and select image and put on Internet :)

Submitted by julia.sbarra on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 14:24

Florian, thank you for your answer! As I need to execute them in a parallel way I tried adding a parallel gateway (the input is Sistemas and as output there are two branches: one that goes to Entrenamiento 2 and another that goes to the other parallel gateway) but it still throws the error. I copy the print I have made. Thank youuu!!!

Submitted by julia.sbarra on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 14:34

Sylvain, thank you for your tip, now I am able to show you the whole process. Please let me know if you can't see the link. Thank you very much!!!!!

Submitted by florian.baillagou on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 15:16


@Sylvain It seems like she understood my comment and reproduced the same process you sent.

@Julia Did you reproduce the same process of sylvain ? Cause he has no errors on it.

Submitted by sylvain.bailly on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 15:25

I have the same error, just not appears on the print screen (I don't know why).

As I said: "To solve the problem she can merge before split if it is not a problem for the process or (perhaps) we can do it like it is currently but I need to search how to do."

Solution 1 (merge and after split):

If this solution is OK for you do it but I will try to find a better one.

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