Export as picture: how to improve the bad quality of the export?



I am using Community edition 7.5.2, and the pictures generated by Bonista are particulary of bad quality, full of aliasing in jpeg and png.

Am I missing a setting or something? (yes, the jpeg is set to 100% quality)

1 answer



I did a quick test with a minimal new diagram on didn't have any issue with the image quality (both PNG and JPEG).

Are you able to reproduce the issue with a simple diagram (i.e. a new diagram without any additional elements)?

Can you export your process as a .bos and share it (using e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive...)?

If you are able to reproduce the issue I would recommend to report a bug and provide as much as possible details about your configuration (operating system,...).



Submitted by miles.charman on Sun, 07/23/2017 - 12:04

There you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByeUz6BH5uSpbm1EaEFVVUFvWGs/view?usp=dr...

That's an example of output in jpg at 100% quality

Submitted by antoine.mottier on Mon, 07/24/2017 - 10:02

I'm able to reproduce the issue but only if I zoom in the image, at 100% zoom I cannot see any aliasing.

I tested the SVG export and only text and links between task are actually SVG, tasks and gateway are images so it's not a solution.

I open a request to improve the export as image feature.

Thanks for taking the time to share the feedback
