Hide Task Substitute? Denying (Task Acess or Process Instance) until aproval from admin to one user.


When a user declines to do a demand in "Demand Register" Task, he cannot more do a "Demand View" task(previous task). After that, he can only try another time with Demand owner aproval, for view that task again.

im using releaseTask, to provide again to another users.
I was using hideTask, but i discover today,... my version(6.5.4) not supports HideTask. What method, in 6.5, i can use to do what im trying to do in last paragraph.

I was using Bonita 7.0, but the project version was built in 6.5.4. And migrate now, its out of question.

Peter Grant.


Submitted by phenant on Tue, 06/21/2016 - 20:02

I tried with actor filter, but if i change Data user in organization, it will negates acess to all process instances. i need only for specific process instance that user who dont wanted to do the task

that a diagram piece from my problem.

Peter Grant

Submitted by phenant on Tue, 06/21/2016 - 21:04

its a chance to do this in new editions? 7.2?

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