How to store the values into the database which are given by user for BDM objects?


--> I am taking a instatiation form with the contract as X, y , Z (three variables), when i run the process in the instatiation form those three fields (x, y, z) are coming and i am giving some integer values for that variables.
--> Now i am forwarding the same values directly to first task form in lane.

-->So, now i want to retrive that values.
Is it possible to store the values into database? If yes, where those values are stored.


Submitted by Sean McP on Thu, 10/08/2015 - 14:42

you get the values from the BDM object by doing

String var1 = bdmObject.getx();
Integer var2 = bdmObject.gety();

You can then use these vars to update your database

Insert into XYX values('{$var1}', {$var2} etc.);



2 answers


Looking at some of the videos, this thread has me confused. I thought I heard we do not need to explicitly save the data. Does the Bonita Engine save the data automatically?


Submitted by Sean McP on Wed, 10/14/2015 - 15:36

Business Data is simply business data, and while process data is stored automatically, as part of the case, business data should be saved by you.

For example - saving holiday request forms.

Yes the data case by case is saved with the case in the archived table, it is near useless except for auditing purposes.

To use the holiday request forms correctly you need to save the data in your own business database (mysql, postgresql etc.) where you can then use it as necessary for all manner of other things. Historical reporting, Payroll slips where outstanding holiday is shown on the slip etc...
