Modificar diseño (logos, color, etc)


Si buenas.
Instale BonitaSoft 7.4.2 cummunity y estoy intentando cambiar el color y el logo pero no encuentro la ubican de los archivos.
ya me leí el contenido del siguiente link
Y nada que me soluciona el problema, me puede especificar la ubicación o que pasos a seguir para realizar la modificaciones de cambio en el diseño.
Muchas Gracias Por la atención.

1 answer


You say you want to change the colours?

A) If Studio Portal - and it is a short answer - Don't try it, it's been tried many times before and doesn't work. Unless of course you BUILD your own copy of Bonitasoft from Source and make the changes here.

B) If Production Portal then this is possible and is explained in various other posts, however here is the short version:

  1. Backup the Bonitasoft database
  2. Extract the two files Content.Zip and CSSContent.txt from the Bonitasoft database table Theme (these are BLOB columns (CONTENT and CSSCONTENT respectively))
  3. Make changes according to this post (UPDATED)
  4. reZip Content.Zip correctly
  5. Import the two files Content.Zip and CSSContent.txt to the Bonitasoft database table Theme overwriting the previous data (CONTENT and CSSCONTENT respectively)

Hope this helps


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.
