Running rest-api-example throws HTTP error code : 500 : Internal Server Error


I am running the rest-api-example from the documentation and I get the following error:

Deploying organization ... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed : HTTP error code : 500 : Internal Server Error at org.bonitasoft.example.App.importOrganizationFromFile( at org.bonitasoft.example.App.importOrganization( at org.bonitasoft.example.App.start( at org.bonitasoft.example.App.main( Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed : HTTP error code : 500 : Internal Server Error at org.bonitasoft.example.App.ensureStatusOk( at org.bonitasoft.example.App.consumeResponse( at org.bonitasoft.example.App.importOrganizationFromFile( ... 3 more

I use: Bonita BPMCommunity-6.4.1-Tomcat-7.0.55

java version "1.7.0_71" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.71-b01, mixed mode)

Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit

How do I solve this problem?

4 answers



Here is the full procedure to run the example, adapted to BonitaBPM version 7.1.0 :
1. Download the source of the example from GitHub.
2. Edit the tag with your version in bonita-examples-master/rest-api-example/pom.xml
3. Update the version :


4. Compile it with Maven: mvn clean install. This creates a jar and a zip file called rest-api-example-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and

  1. Important : Start your BonitaBPM Tomcat server version 7.1.0. Your tomcat must be up and running, you must see the login page at http://localhost:8080/bonita/ for example.

  2. Unzip

  3. Go inside the unzipped folder and go to lib folder.
  4. Open your Studio 7.1.0 and export the ACME organization.
  5. Replace the ACME.xml file found in rest-api-example-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/lib/ACME.xml file by the one you've just exported from your Studio.
  6. Start the application: java -jar rest-api-example-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar



Have you found a way to solve this issue ? I have the same issue now and I don't know why...

Thanks in advance


Submitted by anthony.birembaut on Tue, 05/19/2015 - 17:51

Hi, I can only give you the same answer: Are you sure the organization file you try to import is well formatted for the version of bonita you are using ? You can try to import it in the portal to make sure that it is valid. You should also check in the logs of your tomcat bundle (logs directory, bonita*.log files). You probably have an error message with a stack trace.


Thanks Are you sure the organization file you try to import is well formatted for version 6.4.1 ? You can try to import it in the portal to make sure that it is valid. You should also check in the logs of your tomcat bundle (logs directory, bonita*.log files). You probably have an error message with a stack trace.

Hope that helps


Hi, Can you provide a link to the documentation page with the example you are referring to, so that we can have a look ?



Submitted by dianapotlog on Thu, 01/22/2015 - 09:28