Alfresco Connector

RESTful Service to change properties of Alfresco file from Bonita BPM Community

Hello, Guys! I'm new to Bonita BPM and especially to Alfresco Community and I need your help. What I'm trying to do is to create a process in Bonita BPM 7.4.1 that can upload a file in Alfresco repository and change the properties to that file with values I set in Bonita. I have created a process in Bonita, that is using a CMIS connector to upload the file and it is working perfectly. I also created my custom model and custom aspects in Alfresco and they are containing my specific metadata for my file. What my problem is how to send the values of these custom properties to Alfresco.

Upload .docx file in Alfresco folder Problem

I want to upload folder using bonita connector in folder path like Repository> News> Hello> folder. Its uploading all other format files like .pdf .png .jpg but its not uploading .docx file. Its uploading .docx file when folder path is like Repository> News> folder. Its giving error like.


Task is not assigned to next user if document is not uploaded

I have document upload field in form. If i upload document it is forward to next user if it is not uploaded the it is not assigned to next user. I need that if document is uploaded or not it must be forward to next user. how can i make it possible in Bonita BPM Community Edition Version : 7.3.1. I also want to know that how can i access document variable in script defined in document tab.

Updating file in alfresco

Has anyone used alfresco 5 with bonita 7.2 ?

I am able to upload files to alfresco but cant update them.

Can someone please tell me with example the configuration for CMIS connector to upload a new version of document.

Particularly what shall be filled on the connector configuration window for "Document" where it has heading "Enter the document to upload information" and fields "Document name" and "Remote document"

Easy way to save multiple documents to Alfresco

Is there an easy way to save multiple documents from Bonita to Alfresco dynamically?
I have found some instructions in the following link, but it didn't work for me.

[RESOLVED] Dynamic destination folder for Alfresco connector

How can I make a dynamic destination folder for Alfresco connector, so that the path is not always the same?
For example, I need to make a new folder in Alfresco whenever the process is started so that the documents for the process would be saved as in tree hierarchy as in /User%20Homes/BPM/Process1, /User%20Homes/BPM/Process2 etc.

cmis connector session

Hi Devs,

I am using bonita 7.0.1, as I can see that the cmis available connectors are killing the session within one task, can't be carried out to next adjacent task. Is there any way that I can edit the implementation, or any smart ways to get the sessions out of the task?


Probleme Alfresco 4.2 connecteur


voici le problème : J'ai un processus qui regarde dans une boite mail s'il y a de nouveaux messages. Si oui, je récupère (s'il y en a) les pièces jointes de ce mail afin de les enregistrer sous Alfresco.

Je stocke les différentes pièces jointes dans une liste de DocumentValue, et je boucle sur un connecteur Alfresco.

Je fais un test, tout fonctionne. Je recommence le même test, et le processus s'arrête au connecteur. J'obtiens cette erreur dans le log :

Where are the other alfresco connectors in BOS 6.3.0?

In BOS 6.3.0 community edition I can find only 4 Alfresco connectors:

  • Create a folder by path
  • Delete an item by ID
  • Delete folder by path
  • Upload a file

According to the documentation in previous version of BonitaSoft there were a lot more connectors, such as:

Get url of created folder (space) on alfresco

I am using bonita v 6.2.2 and alfresco connector 3.4. I do can create a new folder, but I would like to retrieve the url of the just created folder and store it into a variable. I made something similar with retrieving the int return value of my webservice with bonita web service connector with a code like that
