attach file

Uploaded File not showing in File Viewer widget


Please I am battling to get uploaded files displayed in File Viewer widget. Steps taken:

1. At pool level, I created a document named mainDoc (Data - Documents)

2. In my Form, I added Upload widget. URL is ../API/formFileUpload

3. I added File Viewer widget on a verifying form within the same process with properties: File Source: Process Document and Process Document: context.mainDoc_ref

Binding a document to a model Instance


I am working on a project where Model A has many Model B's, and each Model B must have a document attached to it. Is there a way to bind a document to an instance of a model and not to the process?

recieve pdf document from an API and attach it to a process (version 7.6)


I'm trying to call an ASP.Net API using REST connector that return a pdf file and attach it to a process, the API is tested and works fine off bonita using Postman.

at the connector output operation I added this code :

form.attachment.max.size problems

Hello, I have already changed the value of this parameter and restart the service but still receive the same error:

28/10/2016 14: 24: 15,999 -0500 GRAVE: org.bonitasoft.console.common.server.servlet.FileUploadServlet File is Too Big
org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase $ FileSizeLimitExceededException: The field pbUpload0 ITS Exceeds maximum permitted size of 26,214,400 bytes.

Any ideas?


How i can atach a file in bonita?


I have created a human task that contains a simple form. This form contains an widged of attach , so what i want to do is when user select a file, i want to store the name of file into database and in the same time saving it in some location of computer.

