
Two factor authentication

Is there a way to add second factor of authentication to Bonita login?

How can I capture data from a form using an "anonymous" user?

I require that through a form (or in its default an application / widget) a couple of data can be captured but from an unidentified user. It is as if it were a public form that records data from an anonymous user and then processed in some flow with human tasks. Is anonymous authentication or automatic default login possible to capture information?

Thanks for the help.

Login failed against active directory

Hi all

I had the Bonita BPM running perfectly.

I needed to Modify the Bonita.war file to add a small piece of code to the web.xml

All deploying the file using Weblogic admin console, the portal is up and running but login is not working.

I have reverted back to the old bonita.war file.

Still the login is failing.

I get a error - username or password is incorrect. I have verified against other users. All the users are not able to log in as well.

Technical user credentials are working as i can log in with install.

Share bonita session with another domain

Right now we are using external forms done in .NET and they are in another server what we are trying to do is share the same session between Bonita Server and .NET server so we can use the BonitaBPM Portal and be able to complete and start cases using the .NET forms, we could configure CORS and be able to consume the REST API from .NET Server but for that we need to authenticate from .NET Server to get a valid session and what we are trying to do is avoid that double authentication, we want to share the same session so the user only have to enter the Bonita Portal and be able to consume t

Active Directory authentication on Community 7.2

We can retrieve examples of Active Directory authentication on Bonita BPM, but they are always for earlier versions.
Does anyone manage to do it with the version 7.2 ?

I have tried to use the contribution "Steps to enable Active Directory on Bonita 6.5.X Community" by mrkroket

But I was stopped at the step 5, when I have to place "JAASAuthenticationServiceImpl.jar" on apache-tomcat/webapps/bonita/WEB-INF/lib
=> I'm using JBoss and not Tomcat.

REST API calls with HTTP basic Authentication


I'm trying to write a script to init a Bonita server automatically. The aim of this script is to :
- import my organization
- import my bdm
- import processes
- import an application and related pages

How to access the Bonita Form from external URL?


I am trying to set the pool level auto-login feature for a bonita form . I have created the username and password for the anonymous user(at pool level) and created a URL in the format of : (Note:Project Initiation is the pool name and 1.4.0 is the bos version and process = process Id ).

http://localhost:8080/bonita/?ui=form&autologin=Project%20Initiation--1....$entry&process=8068068927823037965&mode=form&locale=en .

Unable to set Autologin feature in 7.1.4


I am trying to set the pool level auto-login feature for a bonita form . I have created the username and password for the anonymous user(at pool level) and created a URL in the format of : (Note:Project Initiation is the pool name and 1.4.0 is the bos version and process = process Id ).

¿Cómo crear un proceso para registro de usuarios?

Buen día. Soy tesista en la Universidad Central de Venezuela y estoy desarrollando un sistema de gestión de pasantias para mi escuela (Escuela de Computación de la Facultad de Ciencias). Ahora bien, he estado investigando durante varias semanas sobre Bonita BPM ya que mi propuesta de solución se basa en la utilización de esta herramienta. Como estoy empezando el desarrollo de dicho sistema, estoy comenzando por realizar el siguiente proceso:

Encoder mot de passe dans l'appel /loginservice


J'ai beau chercher dans la documentation mais pas moyen de trouver ma réponse, qui pourtant me parait être incontournable.

J'utilise l'URL /loginservice?username=monusername&password=monpassword&redirect=false&redirectUrl= pour créer une session entre mon appli Web et Bonita.

J'aimerais éviter que le mot de passe sois envoyé en clair dans l'URL, donc j'aimerais savoir s'il est possible d'envoyer le mot passe haché en md5, sha1, etc...

Merci d'avance de votre aide,


