
How can we send mail in Oauthentication 2.0?

We are Bonita users.
Our company uses office 365 (AzureAd ) as mail sending server. Office 365(AzureAd ) system has now disabled using basic authentication. We have created an application to send mail from AzureAd portal. We need to send e-mails using the information of these applications.
We were actively sending mail using the smtp protocol as follows.
Picture1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QychnuwQh6BgDmQfBqvh5sP9UMKa1yuI/view?u...

Authentication in Bonita API not working


I can't authenticate a user using the Bonita API. Instead of receiving cookies with the user session ID and API token, I receive a response with no cookies and a HTML page that keeps loading forever.

I ensure that the user exists and the credentials are correct.

I'd appreciate any assistance on how to solve this problem.

Thank you in advance,

Raphael Müller

Bonita Authentication


Currently we are using Jaas configuration for authentication in the Bonita Portal, users come from active directory and is working properly.

Is there any way to authenticate users that are created directly from the portal so they can access the processes?


