Bonita 6.3.8

LDAP Bonita Community (JAAZ ERROR)


Unix, Bonita 6.3.8 Community, Tomcat, and Mysql.

I used this documentation for LDAP:

searchProcessInstances STARTED_BY_SUBSTITUTE using REST API

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to obtain the list of cases supervised by a user but i can't find any call who return this data via REST API. In the JAVA API the method who return this data is this one (I guess): searchProcessInstances Setting STARTED_BY_SUBSTITUTE in the ProcessInstanceSearchDescriptor But i cant find the equivalent one in REST API.

I start the cases with this POST call: http://localhost:8081/bonita/API/bpm/case/

Load data from a connector Launch Talend at a table.

Good day,

I have version 6.3.8 Bonita BPM Community, and I'm trying to upload data to get through a connector Talend. My problem is I do not know how shit the data obtained from the connector, and as the table component is configured to display the data.

The data connector Talend, are in a list variable, and assign the same variable component of table setting initial values, but does not solve it.

I would appreciate if someone could give me the reference of how to set the table component and load data in it.

Thank you very much.

Bonita 6.3.8 - Tomcat Bundle - Node not starting...

Hi there,

Got a strange one here, the NODE is not starting because part of the journal file is locked. How do I remove the lock as the system is completely unusable?

Many thanks and best regards, Seán


Implement Confirm/alertbox for Submit button in Bonita 6.3.8

Hi All,

I am trying to implement a confirm/alertbox to check before submitting a form. This button is a Bonita submit button. I have very little knowledge of JS/jquery but can understand and implement through trial and error.

Is there an existing out of the box solution for this ? Or if you have any pointers please let me know.

Bonita 6.3.8 Subscription edition server Installation : Connection is broken: " Connection refused: connect: localhost:9091"

I am trying to install subscription edition 6.3.8 on our dev server(Apache Tomcat 7 , Windows Server , Postgres 9.3 database). I have followed the steps here :

We have a subscription edition, but unfortunately the Agreement doesn't help during server setup or debugging while installing it. We had a consultant come to our office and even he couldn't resolve this issue. Also the tech support weren't able to help with my ticket.

Simulation in Bonita 6.3.x: Is there a delivery-simulation example process and documentation for the latest version?

Hello everybody,

i am currently trying to familiarize with Bonita BPM 6.3.8. I am trying to simulate one of my processes and I was wondering if there was documentation and the delivery-simulation process for the latest version. If there is not, are there any major changes in simulation from the version 5.x to 6.x. which I have to consider? Is there any process simulation example for a 6.x version?

Kind regards,

