#bonita 6.5.4

Javascript brokens when uploading file using chrome browser

Hi there.

I'm facing a (new) problem trying to upload files in Google Chrome (versions 55 or 57, the same behavior).
The browser console shows me the following:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
at jsd (6DE7E7109D6A9A5FD243E59C759F3789.cache.html:2686)
at Wqd (6DE7E7109D6A9A5FD243E59C759F3789.cache.html:2592)
at wm (6DE7E7109D6A9A5FD243E59C759F3789.cache.html:2540)
at 6DE7E7109D6A9A5FD243E59C759F3789.cache.html:1949
at 6DE7E7109D6A9A5FD243E59C759F3789.cache.html:2243
