bonita 7.3.1

Custom JavaScript/Jquery file not loaded on deploying .bar file on bonita tomcat portal!

I am trying to add custom Date widget in bonita BonitaBPMCommunity-7.3.1-Tomcat-7.0.67. I have added it successfully in bonita studio using this link but when i deployed it in bonita tomcat bundle it does not work. i have checked that required Jquery files are present in .bar file before deploying to bonita portal but jquery date widget is not working/displaying in portal. Is it problem of loading jquery files??

Error running 7.3.1 community local om Windows7


I recently started use Bonita BPM 7.3.1 on Windows 7 localy.
I have a task, with stored procedure, I'll ask about it at another topic.

Now I can't test my connector to Postgress

, because I have such error

When I'm trying to run the whole process I get such error:
