Bonita API

Upload document to instantiation form with other data as well,using api

how do i upload a document to my instantiation form,where i have other data as well like name,address etc. .I want to start a new case using an api call and for that i am using "/API/bpm/process/processDefID/instantiation" and sending the name and address as payload. i want to know how do i send the document data to instantiation form(in payload or call another api to upload document to instantiation form) as its mandatory to upload document in the instantiation form.

Access to Bonita Engine using local API

I have a web application that running in the same server (Tomcat Server) that bonita.war running (I'm using BOS 5.9). Now I want to migrate this webapp to BonitaBPM 7.0 but I have a problem.

I'm wanting to access to Bonita Engine from this web application (war) deployed in the same tomcat where it is bonita.war. I'm setting the engine access through local API

Accès formulaire Bonita dans iframe


Je suis débutant en Bonita et je viens de faire une première appli web en utilisant l' API java Bonita. J'ai réussi à récupérer la liste des processus , instancier des processus et générer les URL (en utilisant BonitaURLTools). Par contre, lorsque j'envoi l'URL dans une Iframe je me retrouve sur la page d’authentification de la portail Bonita pourtant je me suis bien authentifier avec l'API Bonita.
