
Uploading a new process to an already existing Bonita Application on Docker

Hello, everyone. I hope you are having a great day.

So, I was reading the documentation, and I found out that only users with an Enterprise subscription can compile a Docker image of the Bonita Runtime. But then, I read in here that it is also possible to deploy a process, and then install it to an already existing application through the Bonita Administrator Application.

Process execution and email transfer

Hello Bonitasoft Community memebers,

I have a question please: To a task I have assigned a connector out (an email connector), I would like to know if the content of the email must be written during the configuration of the email connector or it is during the execution of the process that the actor writes the content of his email and then sends it?


Bonita Studio Community vs Enterprise Edition


I would like to know one thing. In the Bonita Studio Documentation Create an actor filter | Bonita Documentation (bonitasoft.com), it is said that,

  1. Create a zip file that contains the files used by the definition and implementation.

  2. In Bonita Studio, go to the Development menu, Actor filters, Import actor filter…​.

  3. Upload the zip file.

Bonita runtime : begins to start but stops before fully started


This is the completed version of this subject.

I've downloaded the Bonita Community Runtime with Tomcat edition 2021.2 u0.

I've configured JAVA_HOME to jdk 11.0.13

The problem is when i start Bonita, i get an error :

bonita.xml PostgreSQL example introuvable

Bonjour la communauté,

Je suis actuellement en train de configurer une architecture Bonita Communauty 2021.1 (ubuntu-openjdk-tomcat-postgresql) avec cette documentation :


Issue Starting Process


I am running the Community Edition 7.10 on a remote system. I have completed a few of the tutorials in Bonita Studio on my local machine, and they work correctly. I have moved the forms/pages Business Model and .bar file to the server. I created the Application and process as well. The only thing I can't figure out how to do is initiate the process. In the Studio is it easy, you just click run, but how do I start a process on the remote server.

Thanks in advance.

Subscription erorr in community version of bonita studio "in 7.8.0 Community"

Hi everybody

I use community version of Bonita studio and i want to import .bos exported from last studio to another community 7.8.0 studio but this happened :
"Designed with a subscription edition. incompatible with community edition"
I think this problem when issued same version studio as source and destination for ex. source 7.8.0 and destination is same 7.8.0.
when use lower version .bos ex. 7.7.4 to 7.8.0 studio everything is good!!

Please help us.

Can't import BOS file from the same version

I have been trying to import a BOS file from a project that was exported in the same day from the same PC and now it says:
"Designed with a Subscription edition. Incompatible with Community edition"
I never had a subscription edition, I installed bonita last week so no update was made
I am using bonita 7.8.0

Process Supervisor Role

Hello All,

We need to enable a non-administrator user to review cases for the whole organization, no just her own cases. This user cannot have access to deploy, enable, or disable processes or to manage the organization user, groups and roles.

Specifically, we need to give this user access to the case detail (casemoredetails) for archived and current cases.

Is there any way to do this in the Community Edition?

Thank you.
