database connector help mysql postgresql

When try to pass variable into query of database connector it gives error

hello ,

i m using on service task which give ti list of pant based on parameter of user's city i m using oracle 10 database connector .

Detail description ,

  1. perameter : NDS
  2. query : "Select title from plant_mst where unit_id=NDS"

this is perfactly run . but when i try dynamic query .

Select title from plant_mst where unit_id = " + city(variable- which store users city =NDS)

it gives error : Invelid Identifier . what i m doing wrong .

Here is server log :

DataBase connector error

hello , i m using bonitasoft 6.3 community .

and Two oracle database server . one is production and one is test .

on my test server i m tried to connect it is successfully run , but when i tried to connect to different server (prod) it gives error .

as database side there are all GRANT same for both database . so how can i resolve this problem .

error is as follow : error

A simple example of database (Postgresql?) query?


I'm a newcomer to Bonitasoft tools and so far they are looking great. I'm consulting to a company in regards to new processes but one key issue for me - I need to store and retrieve data to/from a database in the organization.

This seems to be a simple task and I've seen the connectors area (which yields errors) and graphical query builder which I do not find anywhere. Youtube videos shows screens from older studio versions info on Bonita studio 6.2.1 which I've just downloaded and installed on my Linux.
