
Delete line in BDM from my diagram.

Hello community,

Please anyone can help me with deleting a line in the BDM from my diagram?

In my use case, i add a line, i modified a line also, but i didn't find the way to delete something.

For example in my BDM i have a table "Student" with two columns: Name and last name. and there is 2 lines in this table: James BOND and Will SMITH. In this point i want to delete WILL SMITH (not from the browser but from my diagram).

Please anyone can help me in this point.

Thank you :)

Delete a case from the Portal

I would Like to implement a scenario where a User is able to delete a case from the Portal.

I would like to use API to delete a case.
From the List of BPM Api's, There is a example as http://../API/bpm/case/ .

Now its mentioned that the Method is Delete. I assume that we need to change the action type of a button to Delete.

But What do I pass to the data sent on click . Do i send the API as data with correct case number.

Would a user have permission to execute the function ?

Delete Process Instance

Is there a way, through REST, to delete a process instance, no matter where it is in the workflow?


** Nevermind, I found it..Did the awesome thing of reading the documentation xD

How to delete an actor

I am using Bonitasoft Studio 7.3.3 - Community Edition. Can someone tell me how to delete an actor after it has been created? I can only see that it is possible to add new actors to a diagram, but it does not appear to be possible to rename or delete them after they have been created.

[Resolved] Help - Bonita Studio7.2.2/Docker Postgres 9.5

Where i can get simple View, Insert, Update, Delete tutorial using bonita with MySQL?

Hello... i'm still newbie with Bonita, I need tutorial how to make web service using bonita to View (in table), Insert, Update, and Delete data from MySQL database using JDBC Connector.
Where I can get the tutorial?
Tutorial with any bonita version 7.x, 6.x, 5.x will much appreciated...

No puedo eliminar nada en Bonita BPM Portal


Instalé Bonita BPM en un servidor de pruebas con la siguiente configuración:

  • Bonita BPM Engine / Portal 6.3.3 (Separados, no instalé ningún paquete "Bundle")
  • Glassfish 4.0
  • Oracle Linux 6.5
  • JDK 8 (1.8.0_25)

Tengo un proceso que desplegué en ese ambiente junto con la configuración de la organización (usuarios, grupos, perfiles). Si bien corre sin problemas, cuando intento redesplegar el flujo eliminándolo obtengo el siguiente error:

Cannot delete User Groups or Process in Bonita BPM Portal 6.3.7


I've installed Bonita BPM Portal and engine in a Linux Server (Oracle Linux 6.5), running in Glassfish 4 (Not a Bundle, single installation). I'm using BPM Studio 6.3.3 and BPM Portal 6.3.3. I'm able to deploy anything (Process, Organization), but, when i try to delete any of these items i'm getting this message:


And i don't see anything in the log (no stacktrace describing the error).

This is my configuration:

How to delete a user with Bonita 6.1+ Rest API ?

Hello bonita community,

I am writing a java client for bonita 6.1 rest API using Apache HttpClient 4.3.1

Currently i'm facing a problem with the HTTP DELETE method.

When i want to delete a single entry I execute a httpDelete on
