
Add variable to json

Hi all!

Actually use Bonitasoft community 7.5.4, well I create a form in the automatically generated UI with the contract.

Also create a javascript variable to calculate the date automatically when starting the form, My quiestion is how can I add a variable to json output of the contract so that it adds that value in the BDM and to call it in another form?

Bonitasoft returns 0.00 in Database for assigned variables

I created 3 variables which i used to do calculations

i called one numberOfNights = Name , Value = numberOfNights type = String, the second one perdiem = Name , Value = perdiem type = String and the last one
is a javascript expression i used for some calculations

Now i used some Javascript function like this :

var CalculateAmount = Number($data.perdiem) * Number($data.numberOfNights);
return CalculateAmount

when i created another variable of Type Javascript Expression with name PerdiemCalculateDays , now i save.

How to send via formOutput the automatically set date(today)

Hey guys,
I'm new to bonity and have trouble with a date picker. I have a form with a date picker, which is set to read-only because I want to just set the date automatically.

So at this time my value of the date picker is set to "formInput.bvar_ManuskriptEinsendenInput.eingereichtAm", which is of course wrong, because I dont want the client to choose the date. "eingereichtAm" is my date-variable:

What is the input and out of a form which contains multiple variable of complex type?

\Hello, Guys!
I'm new to Bonita BPM 7.4.1 and I really need your help.

business variables do not retrieve the values from the formOutput

I use several business variables to store values chosen by user interaction from UI forms.
After each task I want to use a business variable to store the user selection for a certain type and at the end of the process the last form is supposed to display the selected data from each tasks.
