
Error Jasper connector (new version 2021)


I am testing the new version 2021 (currently 7.3.3) and, after migrating a process, when it generates a report it gives the following error:


10-Mar-2021 11:38:09.074 INFO [ConnectorExecutor-3] org.bonitasoft.connectors.jasper.CreateReportFromDataBase.createJasperReportFromDataBase Creating a new Jasper Report from database

Are Bonita BPM 7.3.3 and Jasper Soft Studio 6.3.1 compatible ?

Jaspersoft Studio design became the official client for JasperReports.
iReport came into maintenance mode until the 31 December 2015.
This means that there will be no changes on the tool, except for critical bug fixes.

But is Bonita BPM compatible with Jaspersoft Studio ?

Thanks for your feedbacks !

Error executing two jasper connectors in parallel

I have two tasks after a parallel gateway, each of the executing a Jasper connector with different jrxml files and the same database configuration. They generate the following exception (complete stack trace at the bottom):

org.bonitasoft.engine.connector.exception.SConnectorException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.bonitasoft.engine.connector.exception.SConnectorException: org.bonitasoft.engine.connector.ConnectorException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This connection has been closed.

comment insérer une image à la création du PDF

Bonjour, J'ai utiilisé le connecteur Jasper pour générer un fichier PDF. Le modèle (fichier.jrxml) intègre une image jpg. Où dois-je déposer cette image pour qu'elle soit intégrée au fichier pdf lors de la génération via le connecteur Jasper? Si je la mets dans les documents du process comme le fichier jrxml cela ne marche pas. Faut-il spécifier un paramètre particulier au niveau du connecteur Jasper? Nota: mon fichier pdf est bien généré si je n'inclue pas l'image dans le modèle (fichier.jrxml). merci de votre aide. Cordialement.

Export report to Excel format

I was searching how to export from Jasper reports to Excel format, but with no success. I only found this site: http://www.evoketechnologies.com/blog/exporting-bonitasoft-bpm-reports-m... but it was not entirely useful, nor descriptive. I tried the steps and at the end, didn't work. My Bonita version is 6.3.7.

Is it any jar already existing that provides this functionality? or is there a more useful guide to achieve this?

Thanks in advance!

How to create output on jasper based on input in bonitasoft

I have some problem. Does anyone here know how to create an output(PDF) on jasper with the input from bonitasoft? For example, I input some data into bonita and that data store on database. And I want the same data to output on jaspersoft studio file(.jrxml).


Report jasper

hi, Please help I can give an example of how I generate a report using parameters in beautiful jasper 6.3, I searched video had no luck.

Thank you.

Reporte Jasper

Hola, Por favor ayuda me pueden dar un ejemplo de como puedo generar un reporte en jasper usando parametros en bonita 6.3, he buscado video por no he tenido suerte.


Create a custom report using Jasper

Hello, currently I am using Bonitasoft 6.3.7 Subscription. I wanna ask how to configure how to use Jasper in Bonita from the start to the export the report. I have read the documentation but there are several instruction I did not Understand.

Here are the parts I did not understand :

1. Pool data

jsaper report jrxml document

i created two document one for input and the data is internal for report.jrxml and the second for the output when i test it its give this exception any help thanx in advance

Input parameter 'jrxmlDocument' uses an unreachable Expression.
