jasper ireport

Error while installing report in Bonita 6.5.1

Cannot install report in Bonita 6.5.1. Report is developed in iReport and is installed successfully in Bonita 6.3.1 portal.

Any suggestion/information would be helpful.

Here is the engine log:

How can i change export type of jasper report on Bonita?

Hi, I created some report that shows database content on browser. But i wish export this report created to files (PDF or CSV as i want). Someone knows how can i do this? Regards Andre Pereira

Jasper Report

I create a jrxml file using ireport and try to use jasper reports and i have a question about the < Parameters > why we use the parameters ?

How to upgrade : Library for Jasper Connector in Community

I m using ireport 5.6 to create jrxml file . in bonitasoft jasper report version is 5.0 so it give classdefnotfound exception .

i want to import new jar files of jasper report . so it can parse 5.6 version jrxml file .

how can i do this ? its urgent

thanks Kandarp

Custom connector input parameter : document

i want to give document as input parameter of my custom connector . how can i do it . ?

any one ? it would be appreciable

Inform Name


I have an inform created on ireport that I show on Bonita. My question is, how can I change the name to the inform when it's shown, because it displays a title by default (Jasper-report)


How To Create and Use Jasper Report , Jasper Issue

Hello, I’m total new on this environment. I’m using

Bonita soft 6.3 Community version. I’m using external database Oracle 10G I want to generate report for oracle for that I try to use jasper report as follow but it through error Pl provides what I mistaken?

** Procedure: **

Oracle table structure ZZ_TEST Column: ID, FIRST, LAST, AGE

Jasper 5.0 issue

Hi everyone,

So, I'm trying to use the Jasper Connector following this sample: http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/jasper-50

And after everything done, I'm having this error:
