
Bonita API autentication for create messages not working

Hello~ I'm developing an flow for register menbers and have to wait the flow while the user save the data in other backend application~

Then I'm using "Catch message" task for wait the message and my backend notify using the processInstanceId as Correlation (in the future, now no for testing/development).

Then I'm creating the next curl as testing and response Status 204 (OK - Not content):

How to connect message flows between 2 pools?

I am using the community edition and cannot make connection between 2 pools. The flow section of the Pallette only shows one type of flow “transition" and I cannot connect a message from a pool task to another pool,

Troubleshoot API message (not) matching

I have a process that is working fine.

It contains a Node that I know is running (sending an email) followed by an int. message "catch event".

I created a second process that is throwing the expected message and things work all fine. My message expects a correlation with 3 keys: 2 strings and an integer.

I am now trying to use the API and throw the same message using the REST API. My request runs fine and I do receive a status 204. I know that my POST request is received as I see new entries in the engine logs every time I send a message.

How to send message within a signal to several pools?

How to send message within a signal to several pools?

can I send a complex variable through a signal to several pools?

Send a message event via REST API


I have questions regarding a 7.8 new feature : the ability to send a message event via REST API.

Here's my need :
During the lifecycle of a case, I need to wait at a given point for an external backend to send back data for defining the assignee of the next task. The assignee differ from case to case.

I thought about using a receive message task (or event, I couldn't find the difference). Then the backend will send a message event (using REST API ) with the necessary data for the case to move forward.

Receive Message Task with Timeout

I can't help feeling that I'm missing something really obvious here but I can't see how to do something I would have thought would be simple.

Bonita version 724 Community

I need a process to receive a message and to timeout if that message isn't received within a certain duration.

A receive message task with a boundary timer event would seem to be the totally obvious way of doing this, but that's not an option. Receive task can only have error boundary events (which I will use for the time being).

How can I stop message debug when calling API Engine ?


Since I have migrate Bonita between 6.3.7 to 7.3.0, when I call API Bonita, I have message debug for the HTTP request made by these call...

How to clean obsolete messages


I would like to "clean" queued messages from the database.

We are using ProcessAPI.sendMessage() to send messages to a process when some external event occurs, using the "correlation" feature to reach the right process instance.

The normal processing is that when the process reaches the target task, it will consume the message and do whatever is triggered by the event.

It happens that sometimes a message is never consumed, for example if the target task is already done, or if the external event occurs twice (we have no control on this).

cannot login to different pools

i made three different pools and each pool has its own users as actors. when i select all of them and then run the project every time i login with each pools defined user it redirect me to one constant pool not each user's pool.
please help me!

Failed to use a business model data in a throw/catch event

I fail to add a Business data variable as an item of a thrown message event.
If I use only String values, it's OK but the process fails when the content item is a business variable or a list.
I created 2 entities (BDM) :
- Entity property with 2 String properties (label and value) : Hashmap <String, String>
- Entity with some String properties and a multiple (List) of Entity properties
I did it the same way as shown in the "Expense report" tutorial (expense report and report lines)
