
Has anyone faced the ORA-01691 unable to extend lob segment problem?


we are using bonita bpm community edition 7.7.4 with an oracle 12c enterprise database.
We started with a fresh user schema, but after a few weeks of usage the error occured the first time.

Right now bonita tries to extend the lobsegment area by ~ 5GB of data... which is (even with the autoextend options) not possible...

We have removed all active process instances, but the problem still comes up...

Anyone has or had the same problem or can anyone tell me where to find the data, which our bonita node tries to write into the database?

Oracle required sys privileges


I'm using Bonita 7.1.5 Community Edition with an Oracle database.
My company's Oracle DBA is questioning these privileges (pulled from here: Database Configuration) for the bonita database user:

Wierd Error: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected!! Help :(


I have Bonita 7.2 installed on jboss server with oracle as db. After starting jboss server with

./standalone.sh -b= <server_ip_address>, the script runs just fine but I keep on getting this warning in infinite loop on putty (I have to stop to server in order to get rid of it!!) :

Does any one has a mapping of tables in Bonita database?

I have bonita database set up on Oracle database, and processes deployed on bonita portal. I am having trouble figuring out to which table in database does data maps to?

This is the query I am using:

This is returning null data even though process is running on the portal. Thank you.

How do I see Bonita Schema on Oracle SQL Developer?

I am trying to connect Oracle with Bonita. How do I get the Bonita Schema in my Oracle SQL Developer? Please help!

I am following this link: http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/database-configuration-1

Thank you!!

How do I see Bonita Schema on Oracle SQL Developer?

I am trying to connect Oracle with Bonita. How do I get the Bonita Schema in my Oracle SQL Developer? Please help!

I am following this link: http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/database-configuration-1

Thank you!!

Database configuration with Oracle


I am trying to connect my oracle sql developer with Bonita. I have been following the steps according to this documentation: http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/database-configuration-2#oraclespec
