
call Rest API with python


I'm trying to call the rest REST API with python. Here is the code:

import httplib2
import urllib
import json

BONITA_URL = "http://localhost:8080/bonita/"

Associate connector to pool using web rest api

Hi everyone!

I'm using Bonita BPM Community v6.3.2. I'm developing a python application using Bonita's Web Rest API to gather some information of created processes. I've created a pool, named pool1, where I put some tasks (for example, task1 and task2) and these tasks run a connector each.

I already managed to get all the existing processes, via the url http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/bpm/process?p=0

How to use the BonitaSoft REST API from Python/Django

How do you use the BonitaSoft REST API from Python/Django?
