¿Es posible tener Parallel-multinstatiation con formularios diferentes?


Tengo el siguiente proceso de chequeo para paz y salvo, en el cual el empleado debe pasar por varias dependencias de la empresa para recibir su visto bueno. Son 11 dependencias en total y cada una debe dar su aval. Ninguna dependencia depende del chequeo de otra para dar su aval. Sin embargo, cada dependencia cuenta con un formulario diferentes en donde debe aprobar diferentes temas para dar su visto bueno final. Me gustaría saber si se puede tener una instancia múltiple de una tarea con diferentes formularios, y si esto no es posible, ¿qué camino debería tomar?

De antemano, muchas gracias.



Submitted by julien.mege on Mon, 04/06/2020 - 19:53


i think it is better to use a "Parallel Gateway" link to 11 deferent task (one task per "dependencias")

and associate a dedicated form to each task. Your process will be archived when all the task will be done. (see this example https://modernanalyst.com/Portals/0/images/BPMN%20Complex%20Gateway%20Example.jpg)

Why would you create a multiple instance? A "Parallel multi-instantiation task" would force you to have a dynamic form that show or hide sections depending on some variables. Would be complex.

hope this helps,


Submitted by furrego_1867783 on Mon, 04/06/2020 - 20:08

Hello, Julien.

The "Parallel Gateway" works fine for me. You have reason about complexity of implement "Parallel multi-instantiation task" (really, I can't understand it yet). Thank you for your reply.


1 answer


You can have more information on "Parallel multi-instantiation task" and iterators here: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/7.10/iteration

Need to note that, if you want to use the iterator value in your form through the context,

it will only work if the iterator is a list of Business Data. It would be more flexible and clean, but it would required to manage the initialization of the Business Data list.
