How can i list a folder in Bonitasoft 7.3.2


I'm working with version 7.3.2 of BonitSoft and intend to integrate with Alfresco version 5.2, and checked that the cmis List a folder connector no longer exists. How can I inject this list into a widget?

1 answer


Hello patricia,

In case you are familiar with java/groovy, you could create a rest api extension that grabs the list from alfresco, and return it as json to your form/page.

Another solution is to use alfresco rest apis to query the folder contents, and return it to your form/page. You will have to manage authentication to your alfresco server in both cases.

You can find here some documentation about alfresco 5.2 rest apis :


Mehdi Kettani


Submitted by patricia.lopes_... on Fri, 03/09/2018 - 12:44

Thanks for the answer, the suggestion you gave me is compatible with the community version? And after creating the suggested REST API extension which returns me an "ArrayList" list in what way can I link to a tree widget or a select?
