How to map an execution to his initiator on the portal



In my process i have 2 profiles Clients and administrators . When i create 2 users with a Client profile. If user1 start his case and ask to some administrator to confirm one tasks in his process, after the confirmation of his tasks it seems that in the portal, user2 get the same information while he never start a case . It should be sent only to user1 who started the case.

Why he send the information to all users with same profile ? I dont know how to manage this big problem !!!!!

Thank you.

2 answers

This one is the BEST answer!


In the design, you specify ACTOR. Then, in the actor, you have 2 users. On the task assign to actors, all users behind the actor will see the task.

In your use case, you want to reduce the actor to the user which create the case : this is the goal of the "actor filter". The actor filter is executed for each task, and will recalculate a dynamic list. In your specific use case, the correct actor filter to use is the "initiator".

On the task, panel "actor", look for the "actor filter" and set the "initiator".

Then, for this task, the user which can see the task will be the user which create the case.


Thank you that was the matter :)
