Modelling Problem with Process Diagram


It may be silly for some but I am having a lot of trouble modelling with what i think is not a complex diagram. Please help me model this, a simple drawing would help

Start task by user Then Task 1 and Task2 are available for some to do them, After Task 1 is completed I need to send a mail and in case of error sending the mail i need to retry every 6 hours. Task3 requires Task1 and Task2 done.

Other Specifications: I do not know if Task1 runs before than Task2 so i think it can't be made by throwing signals or events...

Please let me know what do you think, i need to be able to apply something like this in a larger scale.

Below is what I think it should look like ( not compiling )


4 answers


I resolved it Now I think that the "xor", "and" or "inclusive" gateways as parenthesis, one closing for each that opens so "send mail" with retraying should be another pool in order to leave it hanging without doing "and" gateway and model send message and continue with the and So as @dyum said, Remove "GATE2" after sending a message to the other pool (that models the mail proces) go to gate 3 and that works as expected!


Remove EndThread and GATE2. Connect Task1 and SendMail. Connect SendMAil and Gate3. This should work.


Submitted by efrados on Thu, 07/31/2014 - 16:58

doesn't solve it. at most you get an excecution error.

Submitted by efrados on Thu, 07/31/2014 - 17:18

if you do that in case of error ( problems sending the mail ) you are delaying task3. I don't want that


Modeling problem with process diagrams is a very common issue. People use process diagrams as if they were math, when in fact it's nothing more than a mental exercise both from the user's and from yours. Must you visit here Morristown NJ paving and get more tips about construction. t's not a great idea to go into a presentation without having your presentation ready. This makes you lose your focus and present at all the wrong aspects of your business model.


Well I had found a way to make it work and be a bit scalable, the whole mail part was defined on another pool and it seems to work fine, i can't send a message to a pool of other project. that's correct behavior? Please if you feel that there is a better solution please let me know. Thanks
