Behind the scenes

nicolas.chabanoles's picture
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An industry exec and Agile team lead discusses four skills engineers are not taught in school that separate the okay from the good full-stack devs.

delphine.coille's picture
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If you are in the Bay Area, join us today for lunch and learning in our San Francisco office for this fun and interactive tech meetup !

Philippe Laumay, our VP Product and Thomas Bouffard, one of our R&D engineers, are going to talk about innovative scaling on the cloud based on BPM, serverless and microservices.

delphine.coille's picture
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[English follows]

Coder des processus métier avec un DSL Kotlin dans une application Spring Boot

C'est le sujet dont Baptiste, ingénieur R&D Bonitasoft va parler lors du Salon Devoxx France qui a débuté aujourd'hui et se poursuit jusque vendredi après-midi.

Ne ratez pas son talk qui a lieu vendredi! Plus de détails dans le programme du Salon .

delphine.coille's picture
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[FRENCH follows]

Bonitasoft is now sponsoring Alpes JUG (Grenoble) and Lyon JUG. Our goal is to support the activities of both user clubs. Every month events are organised by each of these Java User Groups on topics around Java, Docker, DevOps, and more.

Why is Bonitasoft sponsoring JUGs?

Bonita is an open and extensible platform based on Java. The Java community is very active and shares a lot of solid, shareable and reusable components.'s picture
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This certification acknowledges that Bonitasoft offers a welcoming and positive workplace, dedicated to employee development

OlanDS's picture
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At Bonitasoft, the R&D team is currently working on some cool stuff using data science, artificial intelligence, and business process management together.

Data Science is a relatively new practice leveraging mathematics, statistics and data visualization. This practice has emerged with the increasing data volume generated by systems over the last decade. This is what we call "BIG DATA".

By exploring huge amount of data, one is able to discover and understand complex trends and behaviours. By better understanding data one can take smarter decisions.

antoine.mottier's picture
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Get some insights about Bonita BPM plan about Angular 2.

aurelien.pupier's picture
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A Community translation tool for Bonita BPM is available. Currently, only languages with a very high rate of translation completion are integrated in the product itself. It was the case recently with Russian.

ttoine's picture
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Dear Community members,

I would like to thank all of you who downloaded and tested the first 6.4 RC. I would like to introduce the 6.4 RC3, and it should be the last RC before the final release of 6.4. As you can imagine, we are very excited at Bonitasoft, and our R&D and consultant team are doing intensive testing to ensure that everything will be fine. And your help is still well appreciated ;-)

ttoine's picture
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Dear Community members,

We have been very busy recently, and this is because we are close to releasing Bonita BPM 6.4.0. I am happy to announce that the first Release Candidate of Bonita BPM 6.4 is available today.
