Tip of the Week

marielle.spiteri's picture
Blog Categories: 

You've changed your git password, and you now need to reset it in your Bonita Studio secure storage

delphine.coille's picture
Blog Categories: 

If you are using Bonita 7.11 behind a proxy and have faced slowness at start up, you can try this workaround suggested by one of our community member.

delphine.coille's picture
Blog Categories: 

In a previous post, Marcin was explaining how to use GitHub Actions to simplify continuous integration.

Let’s continue our GitHub tips series with a simple and secure way to authenticate with GitHub Actions among others, using GitHub token.

delphine.coille's picture
Blog Categories: 

When you design a process, you'll sometimes use BPMN elements such as call activities or BPM messages to instantiate other processes, perform tasks in other processes, and so on.

But when should you use a call activity vs a BPM message?

Let's discover together what these BPMN elements are and how to use them properly.

marielle.spiteri's picture
Blog Categories: 

If you use the multi-tenancy functionality, and you need to deploy business objects in the newly created tenant, you will have to create a dedicated business data database and configure specific data sources.

This must be done for each tenant that will use the Business Data feature.

This article explains how to configure your bundle in a few simple steps.

delphine.coille's picture
Blog Categories: 

- What's wrong with my date picker? When I try to select a date, Bonita Portal always returns NAMN.

- You want to see a date again? Let me tell you what you have to do in the UI Designer configuration.

bishal.thapaliya_1397822's picture
Blog Categories: 

Yes, with CSS you can create an animation in Bonita UI Designer without using JavaScript !

Let me tell you how to do it... the result is amazing !

Pierre-yves Monnet's picture
Pierre-yves Monnet
Blog Categories: 

Do you need more information on a case? Use the "Longboard" page!

marielle.spiteri's picture
Blog Categories: 

You have followed the documentation "How to integrate BCD with Jenkins": https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bcd/3.3/jenkins_example

Now you want to configure your CI and register a webhook from Bitbucket to execute the pipeline on your Jenkins server.

delphine.coille's picture
Blog Categories: 

You want to be sure that you don't forget to save your diagram? Use the Autosave feature from Eclipse in Bonita Studio
