
romain.bioteau's picture
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Component: Studio,Portal | Version: 7.11 | Edition: Enterprise

In Bonita 7.11, the Enterprise Studio has revamped its documentation generation tooling. It now uses the Groovy template engine to extract your project data and generate an asciidoc document.
Let's dig into the tooling provided by asciidoctor to publish and share your project doc in a Living app !

delphine.coille's picture
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In his article, Bishal tells you what are the 12 simple steps he followed to implement a login page using the Bonita UI Designer, inspired by https://neumorphism.io/.

delphine.coille's picture
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Puedes acabar tu proyecto con la creación de tu aplicación en vivo y el despliege de tus procesos y aplicaciones.

bishal.thapaliya_1397822's picture
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You want to do something cool and fun with UI Designer?

Follow the tutorial to create a circle clip-path over effect.

delphine.coille's picture
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¡Nuevos capítulos del Bonita Camp en español están disponibles!

delphine.coille's picture
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Vas a saber todo relacionado con la interfaz de usuarios.

delphine.coille's picture
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You want to know more about the way to use Bonitasoft Engine API with Spring Boot? Follow Jesús' tutorial.

¿Quieres saber como usar el API del motor Bonitasoft con Spring Boot? Jesús te dice todo en su tutorial.

delphine.coille's picture
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¡El tercer capítulo del Bonita Camp en español esta disponible!

dumitru.corini_1385394's picture
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Testing an UI Designer can be arguably more important than creating it. This article will show you, through two specific examples, how to use Cypress in order to test a user registration form.

delphine.coille's picture
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Los 2 primeros capítulos del Bonita Camp en Español están disponibles en vídeo.
