Bonita 7.12 Beta is out!

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Bonita 7.12 reinforces our vision of an extensible, open source DPA platform, freely available to all users to create and implement a successful BPM project from idea to production.

How ?

We have updated the Bonita Community edition with capabilities previously available only in the Enterprise edition to enrich it.

The following features have been added:

Bonita Studio

  • Multi environment management
  • All connectors (SAP, Office, Salesforce, UI Path)
  • All editors (REST API Extension, Themes, Living Applications)
  • Collaboration tooling (GIT)
  • Advanced wizard (email, web service, database, Twitter)
  • Search indexes

Bonita UI Designer

  • Fragments
  • Localization updating from Bonita UI Designer
  • Responsive UI management - multiple screen size
  • New widgets (save form, rich text area, chart, advanced table)

Thanks to these new features, designing and building a project with the Bonita Community edition has never been easier!

Reinforcing the Bonita low code approach

Bonita 7.12 provides a new expression editor to allow users to easily write conditions without the need for coding knowledge.
Variables and functions are also easier to find and use, displayed in a tree where the user can drag and drop them in the script.

Bonita Portal becomes Bonita Applications

Bonita Portal is moving to extensible Bonita Applications. In addition to the Bonita User Application, a Bonita Administrator Application is now available. Both applications can be used as is, or customized easily with the UI Designer.
Bye bye GWT! Welcome Bonita Applications!

Improved Bonita runtime robustness

Bonita 7.12 runtime includes updates on the Platform Start mechanism to add robustness and reduce failover, and improves work queue re-creation times, from hours to minutes.

Bonita 7.12 also includes other technical updates. Check out the release note and beta documentation for more details.

The files are available on GitHub for your Download

Want to give feedback? We are happy to hear from you!

You can report issues with the usual community issues tracker.

Remember to select "7.12.0 beta" in the "Affects Version/s" field. If you don’t know our community issue tracker, you can refer to our FAQ

We value your feedback, and we appreciate your time to help us ensure we release the best possible product.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Enjoy!
