Bonita BPM 7.3.0 beta is out!

antoine.mottier's picture

Edit: 7.3.0 final is now available for download. Get if from Download section.

We are excited to announce the Bonita BPM 7.3 beta release!

You can now download, test and explore the latest version of our product.

Bonita BPM 7.3 includes enhancements to the UI Designer, a re-designed task list, platform installation improvement to ease deployment, consistent data backup and more. Checkout the release note and beta documentation for more details.

Here are the files available:

=> Bonita BPM Studio:

  • OS independent (zip package)
  • Windows 64bit installer
  • Windows 32bit installer
  • Mac OS installer
  • Linux 64bit installer
  • Linux 32bit installer

=> Bonita BPM platform:

  • Tomcat bundle
  • JBoss bundle
  • Deploy bundle

You can report issues with the usual community issues tracker. Just remember to select "7.3.0 beta" in the "Affects Version/s" field.

We value your feedback, and we appreciate your time to help us ensure we release the best possible product.


Submitted by quauhtlimtz on Fri, 06/10/2016 - 17:34

This one: "Quick save everywhere on the editor with the usual keyboard shortcut Ctrl-S" seems to be minimal, but it is actually a great improvement that will save tons of minutes even hours of work.


Submitted by DrakunDry on Mon, 07/04/2016 - 11:44

Quelle est la date de sortie de la version Stable 7.3.0

Submitted by bonymax000 on Wed, 05/10/2017 - 13:46

It’s good to know that the new version in Bonita BPM 7.3.0 is out for users. I am grateful that your post helped me to understand the main advantages of using Bonita module. Hope it is user-friendly. home care services
