A closer look at Bonita 2021.2: Organization editor

delphine.coille's picture
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Let's continue diving into some of the new features of Bonita 2021.2. Whether you are using Bonita Community or Bonita Enterprise, you will find in this series of posts some great new functionalities and improvements.

So, you started your project with using the project overview and added and organized your extensions. Now that your process design and data are ready, it’s time to define your organization.

An organization editor to make it easier to define your organization

Before Bonita 2021.2, the organization was defined in a wizard requiring users to go through each tab to finalize it, and blocking access to the rest of the Studio.

With Bonita 2021.2, the organization wizard has been replaced by an editor for easy access to the various tabs while still allowing access to other Bonita Studio elements.

What has changed?

  • An overview tab has been added. You can see at a glance the structure of organization: groups, roles, and users.

  • Groups and roles tabs remain visible while the User tab now includes the custom information in the same view

The result?

A better overview of all parts of your organization, with fewer clicks.

This new Organization editor will help you be more efficient while creating or managing your organization in Bonita Studio - especially useful if you have a complex organization - and avoid errors.

Stay tuned, I know you want more! Next week I’ll tell you how to use Maven and develop extensions.
