How to use Bonitasoft Engine API and Spring Boot

delphine.coille's picture
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You want to know more about the way to use Bonitasoft Engine API with Spring Boot? Follow Jesús' tutorial.

In his article he shows you how to develop a restful service with Spring Boot and Bonitasoft Engine API.

This service will return a list of users that are within the organization that we have by default in Bonita Studio 7.11.

Thank you for your article Jesús!

¿Quieres saber como usar el API del motor Bonitasoft con Spring Boot? Jesús te dice todo en su tutorial.

En su artículo, te muestra cómo desarrollar un servicio restful con Spring Boot y Bonitasoft Engine API.

Este servicio va a retornar una lista de usuarios que están dentro de la organización que tenemos por defecto en Bonita Studio 7.11.

¡Gracias por tu artículo Jesús!


Submitted by henriquezfilard... on Thu, 07/23/2020 - 23:04

Thanks for sharing Delphine!

Submitted by jose.siu on Tue, 03/23/2021 - 16:21

Hello Delphine,

The link for Jesus's article is no longer accessible. Is there any way to contact Jesus to share its article again?


