Bonita Open Solution modeling and the Workflow Patterns initiative, Part 1's picture
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The Workflow Patterns initiative has published a set of detailed workflow pattern descriptions to define control flow in process technology. There are also evaluations of which open-source and commercial products support which of these patterns.

Bonita is among the solutions evaluated, but the site has not yet been updated with an evaluation of Bonita Open Solution.  We’re looking at which patterns BOS supports, and we’ll publish them in the community contributions section as we go.

We invite your feedback on these – if you have a better BOS-built model to suggest for any of these patterns, please do!

In the meantime, we’ll continue to follow up to get an assessment of BOS on the Workflow Patterns Initiative Vendors Corner.

Work Flow Patterns posted in Contributions here and here:

We got these:

1. Sequence 2. Parallel Split 3. Synchronization 4. Exclusive Choice 5. Simple Merge

And these:

6. Multi-Choice 7. Structured Synchronizing Merge 10. Arbitrary Cycles 12. Multiple Instances without Synchronization

Workflow Patterns not yet modeled (or not supported) with BOS

8. Multi-Merge 9. Structured Discriminator 11. Implicit Termination

Perhaps you can fill in some of the blanks in our list -- have a look at the animations accompanying each pattern (which are pretty useful). If you can imagine a BOS model that will accomplish the same result, let us know.
