business objects list


i have a simpler flow diagram on bonita with several business objects. i need to send data rows from the tables to other remote service.

How can I get list of business objects on my diagram for get data from ones?

2 answers


I think, the best way to do that it's:
- Add the rootProcessInstanceId in each businessObject
- Create a businessQuery like : findByRootProcessInstanceId

In your form add an external API : ../API/bdm/businessData/{{task.rootprocessInstanceId}}

But you will need to do it for each business class.


To send data that are stored in business variables to an external service (if I understand correctly your use case) I would recommend to use connectors.

You can use business variables as connector inputs and if needed you can preprocess them using some Groovy scripts.

Bonita provide various connectors out of the box such as REST, web services, databases...
