Custom widget generator of PDF, Excel, Word - Bonit 7.9

Widgets et réalisation à destination de la communauté

ButtonExportToPDF - Custom Widget zip to import directly on bonita Portal To use it just need to set data declared to upload if empty generate directly the result window on PDF BUTTONEXPORTVARTOEXCEL - Custom Widget zip to import directly on bonita Portal To use it just need to set data declared to upload "mandatory", array name column example (return ["N°", "Choix","Date de création", "Auteur", "Nom", "Statut", "Nb refus"]; en same to header column. ButtonExportToWord - Custom Widget zip to import directly on bonita Portal To use it just need to set data declared to upload "mandatory" - generation of simple text write on word doc

Libraries :

libraries xlsx.full.min.js, date.format (1).js, jspdf.min.js, jquery-1.12.3.min.js, html2canvas.js, html2canvas.min.js
