Associating Bonita variables with a field on a form, different versions of Bonita BPM


Good afternoon,

The whole exercise I'am working on is described at:

Help needed in the section "Associating Bonita variables with a field on a form", in the second link.
I'm trying to implement the very same exercise shown there, but in Bonita BPM 7.2.1.
So the issue is to follow the steps in the old version and understand/find the fields and variables.

Since I'm new with Bonita BPM, would you please "translate" it or make it more understandable, so I can use it in version 7.2.1?

Thank you for considering.


Submitted by Sean McP on Wed, 04/13/2016 - 21:14

The article you are referring to was written by IBM and was based on version 5.

Translating this to 7 would be a big task. You will certainly need to read Bonita's documentation here to understand the methods they now use for Business Data and Forms.


1 answer


Bonita variables are a great way to check if certain fields are filled in by the user before they submit your form. The best way to use Bonita variables is to associate them with a field on a form so you can put results into another variable. Lets you can visit folding squat rack and learn interesting new informative skills of fitness. This can help you make sure your data doesn't get lost or that you aren't sending information to the wrong place.
