Bonita Studio 6.3.2 - Problem with New Diagram


Hi there,

Bonita Studio 6.3.2, Java, Windows 8.1

Problem with diagram "Choose a New Name and Version..." dialog box showing twice...

  1. Open a NEW Diagram
  2. Click the diagram to open the Diagram Parms
  3. In Diagram Description click EDIT to rename the diagram
  4. In the dialog box that opens Change the name and pool names
  5. Click OK


The "Choose a New Name and Version..." dialog box comes up again saying Choose a New Name and Version...this is the second time it asks...Click OK and it renames it to the new name.

If you rename the same diagram Studio subsequently the dialog opens only once.

But do Diagram->New and rename it again, the double "Choose a New Name and Version..." happens again.

regards Seán

2 answers

This one is the BEST answer!

Dear Sean,

The latest version of Bonita BPM is now available for download. This version 6.3.7 includes many stability improvements including this diagram renaming and duplication issue.
We strongly recommend that you upgrade to this version to take advantage of this bug fix and many other improvements and bug fixes.

Sincerely, Marielle


Hi Sean,

I've just reproduced this with 6.3.3. I'll report the bug.

You can stop it happening for subsequent new diagrams by checking the "Do not display for other new diagrams"? box on the second popup.

regards, Chris
