Change the data of select widget based on value selected in another select widget on the same form (country - city)


Hi everyone,

I need to change the values in select widget, based on the value select in another select widget. Typical country - cities example. When user select country in first select widget, cities changed in the 2nd one, both. Are on the same page.

I am using version 6.2. Community, I am New to bonita with limited java knowledge.

Thank you for your support as this point is blocking me from demo first process to my company executives.

Kind Regards,


Submitted by vivek.paranthaman on Sat, 01/16/2016 - 06:13

someone got the solution for the above?

Submitted by on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 21:16

I know the question is very old but I have the same problem and I still have not found anything that helped me. You got something to solve this?

Submitted by abertiboni_1364056 on Fri, 04/13/2018 - 20:33

i have same problem

1 answer
