Does BonitaSoft 7.11.4 have the functionality to Pause and Resume User Tasks


All of our User/ human Tasks has a SLA component where we measure whether a task was completed within agreed timeline.
If the Task missed SLA , we keep a track.

Many times, user is not available and Task needs to be in pending state where SLA will not be counted.

Is there a Mechanism where a Human Task can be Paused and the Due date will not be counted , the due date should continue from new time when Task is resumed .
Basically we are looking to PAUSE , RESUME Human Tasks based on User choice and SLA to be calculated only If TASK is in RESUME State not in PAUSED state.
Since we use 2 Parameters 1) Completed Date and 2) Due Date to measure whether task missed DUE date or not, Hence can we do something here ?


1 answer



there is no pause/resume option on human tasks. But you can explore couple of other ideas.

You might use a boundary timer (interrupting or non-interrupting based on your use case) and after the initial due date is expired, you can have an alternate path in which you can model options with timers and an alternate human task.

You can have your own SLA counters implemented in BDM (Business Data Model). That way, you can imagine to correlate the user choice of pause/resume with counters and according status saved in the BDM. When you present these tasks in a list of your living app, you can then take into account specific information in the bdm and present tasks accordingly, based on their status (e.g. paused etc.) and the SLAs.

