Dynamic actors


Hi,all I’m new to bonita bpm,and I want to know how to use actor dynamically in Bonita BPM 6.3.8. I have two questions about this: 1 I added a variable role with data type text ,it contains the real role in my organization .How can I add actors with data role in one human task? 2 If I installed the app in the protal. How can I enable the app without mapping any real user or role or group in my organization.

Thanks for any help and suggestions! :)


2 answers


Hi Andy,

I would suggest you to watch following webinar and more precisely at minute 32'. http://www.bonitasoft.com/for-you-to-read/videos/discover-bonita-bpm-6

It explains how doing the actor mapping/association inside your process within the studio.

Additionnally I would suggest you to read following online documentation : http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/organization-overview-1

Best regards, LL


Hi, 1) If you want to do assignment based on a value of a variable, you would need to use an actor filter. There is no out-of-the-box actor filter that allows you to use a specific role. You would have to develop your own actor filter that would take a value which corresponds to the role name and give back a list of users belonging to this role. You can find more information about actor filters here . 2) you cannot enable a process until actors are correctly mapped. This is a requirement. Otherwise the process could not be executed, as there would be no users to do its tasks.
