Get Variable of Archived cases in Bonita Portal


I want to make a form in which i can show variables of every process. I want to show variables of an archived process instance using Bonita REST API using using BonitaBPMCommunity-7.3.1-Tomcat-7.0.67. I can get variables of running instances in Open cases tab(using this example form processVariableOverview at this link but I can't get archived instances' variables. Any help please ?

1 answer


Hi mainamaan77,

You will not make it by using REST API, because it does not support the variables of a archived case (completed case). However, you may achieve this by using an Extension to the API REST using a database query in the table archive.

The Bonita official solution for this situation, is to you keep the relevant information inside your processesses in bussiness database. Using BDM to keep the relevant data of your bussiness process along it.

Marcos Vinícius Pinto
